Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldChemicals, chemical engineering, agricultural and food products
Technical committeeBAS/TC 43- Food
Term (EN)food chain
Definition (EN)sequence of the stages and operations involved in the production, processing, distribution, storage and handling of a food and its ingredients, from primary production to consumption NOTE 1 This includes the production of feed for food-producing animals and for animals intended for food production. NOTE 2 The food chain also includes the production of materials intended to come into contact with food or raw materials.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)lanac hrane
Definition (BS)niz etapa i operacija koje obuhvataju proizvodnju, preradu, distribuciju, skladištenje i rukovanje hranom i njene sastojke od primarne proizvodnje do potrošnje. NAPOMENA 1 To uključuje proizvodnju hrane za životinje koje se koriste kao hrana i za životinje koje su namijenjene za proizvodnju hrane. NAPOMENA 2 Lanac hrane također obuhvata proizvodnju materijala koji dolaze u dodir sa hranom ili sirovinama.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)
StandardsBAS EN ISO 22000:2010