BAS IEC TR 60216-7-2:2023
Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 7-2: Results of the round robin tests to validate procedures of IEC TS 60216-7-1 by non-isothermal kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data
General Information
Status: Published
No. of pages: 26
Language: English
Edition: 1.
Adoption method: Endorsment
Publication date: 03.05.2023
Technical committee:
IEC TR 60216-7-2:2016(E), which is a Technical Report, is to validate the procedures of IEC TS 60216-7-1 in providing a similar temperature index to conventional methods used in other parts of the IEC 60216 series. These round robin test results do not provide statistical analysis for precisions. The round robin test focuses on preliminary studies to understand the evaluation and calculation procedures, influence on apparatus, and data variance among laboratories before determination of precisions.
Original document and degree of correspondence
- IEC TR 60216-7-2:2016, identical