prBAS CEN/TR 16389:2025

Automotive fuels - Paraffinic diesel fuel and blends with FAME - Background to the parameters required and their respective limits and determination

General information
Number of pages:51
Adoption method:Proglašavanje
Realization date:18.12.2024
Forseen date for next stage code:12.03.2025
Technical committee:BAS/TC 11, Petroleum and petroleum products
75.160.20, Liquid fuels

This document explains the requirements and test methods for paraffinic diesel fuel from synthesis or hydrotreatment. Synthesis refers to XTL processes where X refers to various feedstocks for example Gas (G), Biomass (B) or Coal (C) and TL stands for To-Liquid. Hydrotreatment of vegetable oils and animal fats yield Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO). Paraffinic diesel fuel can be blended with up to 7,0 % (V/V) fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). This document provides background information to the final text of EN 15940 [1] and gives guidance and explanations to the producers, blenders, marketers and users of paraffinic automotive diesel fuel. Paraffinic diesel fuel is a high quality, clean burning fuel with virtually no sulfur and aromatics. Paraffinic diesel fuel can be used in diesel engines, also to reduce regulated emissions. In order to have the greatest possible emissions reduction, a specific calibration is needed. Some types of paraffinic diesel fuel, at present notably HVO, can also offer a meaningful contribution to the target of increased non-crude derived and/or renewable content in the transportation fuel pool. For general diesel engine operation, durability and warranty, paraffinic automotive diesel fuel needs a validation step to confirm the compatibility of the fuel with the vehicle, which for some existing engines still needs to be done. The vehicle manufacturer needs to be consulted before use. NOTE 1 This document is directly related to EN 15940 and will be updated once further publications take place. NOTE 2 Paraffinic diesel fuel is also used as a blending component in automotive diesel fuel. In that case, composition and properties of the final blends are defined by relevant fuel specification standards. NOTE 3 For the purposes of this document, the terms "% (m/m)" and "% (V/V)" are used to represent respectively the mass fraction and the volume fraction.


Original document and degree of correspondence
CEN/TR 16389:2023, identical

Relation to BAS standards

Work material

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