prBAS EN ISO 19152-3:2025
Geographic information - Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) - Part 3: Marine georegulation
General information
Number of pages:0
Adoption method:Proglašavanje
Realization date:24.01.2025
Forseen date for next stage code:30.01.2025
Technical committee:BAS/TC 1, Information technology
35.240.70, IT applications in science
This document specifies the concepts and structure for standardization for georegulation in the marine space.
This document addresses the information structures related to management of legal spaces (such as the international maritime limits and boundaries, marine living and non-living resources management areas, marine conservation areas, etc.) and their related rights and obligations.
This document establishes the common elements and basic schema to structure marine georegulation information system. It builds upon the common components defined in ISO 19152-1.
Original document and degree of correspondence
EN ISO 19152-3:2024, identical
ISO 19152-3:2024, identical
Relation to BAS standards
Work material
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