Standard reference Stage code BAS/TC Real date Forseen date for next stage code
00 - Preliminary stage
00.00 - Proposal for new project received
00.20 - Proposal for new project under review
00.60 - Close of review
00.98 - Proposal for new project abandoned
00.99 - Proposal for new project accepted
10 - Proposal stage
10.00 - Proposal for new project registered
10.20 - New project ballot initiated
10.60 - Close of voting
10.92 - Proposal returned to submitter for further definition
10.98 - New project rejected
10.99 - Proposal accepted (prBAS)
20 - Preparatory stage
20.00 - New project registered in TC/SC work programme
20.20 - Working draft study initiated
20.60 - Close of comment period
20.98 - Project deleted
20.99 - Working document approved for registration as pnBAS
30 - Committee stage
30.00 - Committee draft registered (pnBAS)
30.20 - pnBAS study/ballot initiated
30.60 - Close of voting/ comment period
30.92 - pnBAS referred back to Working Group
30.98 - Project deleted
30.99 - pnBAS approved for registration as nsBAS
40 - Enquiry stage
40.00 - Draft BAS standard registered as nsBAS
40.20 - Public enquiry on nsBAS
40.60 - Close of comment period
40.92 - nsBAS referred back to TC
40.93 - Decision for new public enquiry
40.98 - Project deleted
40.99 - nsBAS approved for registration as psBAS
50 - Approval stage
50.00 - Final draft BAS standard registered (psBAS)
50.20 - Public enquiry on psBAS
50.60 - Close of comment period; psBAS confirmed
50.92 - psBAS referred back to TC
50.98 - Project deleted
50.99 - psBAS approved for registration as BAS
60 - Publication stage
60.00 - BAS standard registered under publication
BAS/TC 1- Information technology
BAS/TC 2- Welding and allied processes
BAS/TC 3- Quality management and quality assurance
BAS/TC 4- Steel, steel products, non-ferrous metals and alloys
BAS/TC 4/WG 2-
BAS/TC 5- Telecommunications
BAS/TC 6- Equipment for explosive atmospheres
BAS/TC 6/WG 1- Antiexplosion protection in mining
BAS/TC 7- Environment
BAS/TC 8- Insulation co-ordination, high-voltage testing and instrument transformers
BAS/TC 9- Cement, gypsum, lime and other inorganic bonded materials
BAS/TC 10- Electrical energy measurement equipment and load control
BAS/TC 11- Petroleum and petroleum products
BAS/TC 13- Fire protection
BAS/TC 14- Personal protective equipment
BAS/TC 15- Electromagnetic compatibility
BAS/TC 16- Mechanical elements
BAS/TC 17- Technical drawings and symbols
BAS/TC 18- Power transformers, measuring relays and protective equipment
BAS/TC 19- Electrical installations in buildings
BAS/TC 21- Concrete and related products
BAS/TC 21/WG 1- Development of BAS 1057
BAS/TC 22- Road engineering
BAS/TC 23- Medicinal and aromatic plants
BAS/TC 24- Non-destructive testing (NDT)
BAS/TC 25- Healthcare
BAS/TC 27- Mining
BAS/TC 28- Explosives for civil uses
BAS/TC 29- Means and devices for lifting and carrying goods
BAS/TC 30- Electric cables
BAS/TC 30/WG 1- Development of BAS 1058
BAS/TC 31- Gas and gas engineering
BAS/TC 35- Road vehicles
BAS/TC 36- Architectural constructions, technology and construction management and building physics
BAS/TC 37- Fire safety in buildings
BAS/TC 38- Metrology and measurements
BAS/TC 39- Corrosion protection of materials
BAS/TC 40- Machinery and tools
BAS/TC 41- Pressure equipment and containers
BAS/TC 42- Wood and wood products
BAS/TC 43- Food
BAS/TC 44- Library-information Sciences
BAS/TC 45- Agriculture
BAS/TC 46- Railways
BAS/TC 47- Appliances and systems for heating and refrigeration
BAS/TC 48- Textile, leather, clothing and footwear
BAS/TC 49- Chemical engineering, laboratory equipment and cosmetics
BAS/TC 50- Packaging, plastics and rubber
BAS/TC 51- Automation
BAS/TC 52- Controlgear and switchgear installation
BAS/TC 53- Fluids and fluids systems
BAS/TC 54- Safety of toys, products for children and childcare
BAS/TC 55- Social responsibility
BAS/TC 56- Conventional and alternative sources of electrical energy
BAS/TC 57- Household and similar electrical appliances
BAS/TC 58- Design of construction structures - Eurocode EN 1990, Eurocode 1, Eurocode 7, Eurocode 8 and Eurocode 9
BAS/TC 58/WG 5- Geotechnics
BAS/TC 59- Societal Security and Protection
BAS/TC 60- Doors and windows
BAS/TC 61- Design of construction structures - Eurocode 2, Eurocode 4 and Eurocode 6
BAS/TC 62- Design of construction structures - Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 5
BAS/TC 63- VS1 - General standardization
BAS/TC 64- VS2 - Electrotechnical standardization
BAS/TC 65- VS3 - Standardization in the field of telecommunications
BAS/TC 66- Reference materials
prBAS EN 13523-1:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 1: Film thickness 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-10:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 10: Resistance to fluorescent UV radiation and water condensation 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-12:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 12: Resistance to scratching 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-21:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 21: Evaluation of outdoor exposed panels 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-22:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 22: Colour difference - Visual comparison 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-23:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 23: Resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulfur dioxide 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-29:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 29: Resistance to environmental soiling (Dirt pick-up and striping) 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-3:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 3: Colour difference and metamerism - Instrumental comparison 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13523-8:2025 Coil coated metals - Test methods - Part 8: Resistance to salt spray (fog) 10.99 BAS/TC 39 18.11.2024 02.04.2025
prBAS EN 13557:2025 Cranes - Control devices and control stations 10.99 BAS/TC 29 14.11.2024 12.01.2025
prBAS EN 1366-10+A1:2025 Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 10: Smoke control dampers 10.99 BAS/TC 37 02.12.2024 12.03.2025
prBAS EN 1366-8:2025 Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 8: Smoke extraction ducts 10.99 BAS/TC 37 02.12.2024 12.03.2025
prBAS EN 1366-9:2025 Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 9: Single compartment smoke extraction ducts 10.99 BAS/TC 37 02.12.2024 12.03.2025
prBAS EN 13697:2025 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and yeasticidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas without mechanical action - Test method and requirements without mechanical action (phase 2, step 2) 10.99 BAS/TC 49 20.11.2024 10.03.2025
prBAS EN 13749+A1:2025 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Method of specifying the structural requirements of bogie frames 00.99 BAS/TC 46 08.10.2024 02.12.2024
prBAS EN 13814-1+A1:2025 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices - Part 1: Design and manufacture 10.99 BAS/TC 54 18.11.2024 05.03.2025
prBAS EN 13814-2+A1:2025 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices - Part 2: Operation, maintenance and use 10.99 BAS/TC 54 18.11.2024 05.03.2025
prBAS EN 13814-3+A1:2025 Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices - Part 3: Requirements for inspection during design, manufacture, operation and use 10.99 BAS/TC 54 18.11.2024 05.03.2025
prBAS EN 13819-1+A1:2025 Hearing protectors - Testing - Part 1: Physical test methods 10.99 BAS/TC 14 13.11.2024 18.03.2025
prBAS EN 13819-3+A1:2025 Hearing protectors - Testing - Part 3: Supplementary acoustic test methods 10.99 BAS/TC 14 13.11.2024 18.03.2025