World Metrology Day – May 20, 2024.

Today is World Metrology Day.

The slogan of this year's World Metrology Day is "We measure today for a sustainable tomorrow".

On the website of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), on the occasion of World Metrology Day, it is stated:

„Celebrated on 20 May each year, World Metrology Day helps the public to understand what is meant by the science of measurement and why we are so dependent upon it. This little-known science underpins countless aspects of our daily lives. Every time we buy a kilogram of oranges, use the GPS in our car to navigate, swallow a pill, cross a bridge or enter a building, we should spare a thought for the metrologists who made this possible. Thanks to the metric system, an architect trained in Sudan will be able to design an office building in Mexico, as the standard measurements will be the same in both countries.

A bit of history: the metric system which is now the universal standard for measurements was created over 200 years ago. World Metrology Day commemorates the signing, on 20 May 1875, of the Metre Convention, an international treaty designed to ensure that everyone around the world used the same metric system to measure weight and length, in order to ensure fair trade. The Metre Convention has since been ratified by over 100 countries and economies. In November 2023, UNESCO’s governing bodies proclaimed that 20 May would henceforth be celebrated as World Metrology Day (42 C/Resolution 21). Celebrations of the Day each year are jointly supported by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and the International Organization of Legal Metrology.

World Metrology Day promotes the benefits of measurement science to a global audience, emphasizing metrology's value for quality of life and environmental preservation - a mission in harmony with UNESCO's goal of building a better world through science and education.“