Safety management systems

The second edition of BiH standard BAS ISO 28000:2023, Security and resilience — Security management systems — Requirements, adopted through a translation of the international standard EN ISO 28000:2022, Security and resilience — Security management systems — Requirements, has just been published. The standard was taken over by the Technical Committee BAS/TC 59, Societal security and protection.

This document specifies requirements for a security management system, including aspects relevant to the supply chain.

This document is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations (e.g. commercial enterprises, government or other public agencies and non-profit organizations) which intend to establish, implement, maintain and improve a security management system. It provides a holistic and common approach and is not industry or sector specific.

This document can be used throughout the life of the organization and can be applied to any activity, internal or external, at all levels.

Security management is linked to many aspects of business management. They include all activities controlled or influenced by organizations, including but not limited to those that impact on the supply chain. All activities, functions and operations should be considered that have an impact on the security management of the organization including (but not limited to) its supply chain.

With regard to the supply chain, it has to be considered that supply chains are dynamic in nature. Therefore, some organizations managing multiple supply chains may look to their providers to meet related security standards as a condition of being included in that supply chain in order to meet requirements for security management.