Conformity management standard has just been published

The first edition of the BiH standard BAS ISO 19600: 2021, Conformity management systems - Guidelines, was published by the translation method.

BAS ISO 19600: 2021 provides guidance for establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and improving an effective and responsive compliance management system within an organization.

Compliance has become one of the biggest challenges facing businesses and organizations today. Failing to have the right controls and organizational culture in place could mean forking out millions in fines and loss of image, reputation, customers and business.

With new laws and regulations announced almost every week, and the steep costs of non-compliance, BAS ISO 19600: 2021 and the guidelines for the compliance management system could be just the solution that large and small, private or public organizations are looking for. The characteristics of this standard are:

it simplifies the application of the ethical principles and compliance in the organization;

incorporates critical elements of other accepted standards in a flexible way;

demonstrates to regulators that the organization respects and adopts and is in compliance with the latest laws, standards and regulations;

it is based on identified risks and compliance obligations;

it aims to create an organizational culture in which compliance becomes the general rule;

it is ideal as an introduction and precursor to ISO 37001.

BiH standard BAS ISO 19600: 2021 was prepared by the Technical Committee BAS/TC 55, Social Responsibility.