7th Conference of the Quality in Bosnia and Herzegovina

7th Conference of the Quality in BiH “Quality as a key factor in business” was held in Capljina from 07 to 09 November 2012.

The first day was focused on quality system in the production and distribution of food and beverages, and quality infrastructure for export: product certification, laboratory accreditation according to ISO 17025 and certification of environmental management systems according to ISO 14001.


On the second day of the Conference discussions were held on management of knowledge and human resources: intellectual property, information security systems (ISO/IEC 27001), legalization of software and open-source solutions for the economy,  certification of banks and other financial institutions. Working part of the Conference was closed by the discussion on initiatives for small and medium enterprises to certify products and quality management systems.

Within the Conference a round table on “The validity of certificates for BH exporters - BH accreditation of laboratories for food products” was  organized. One of the members of the Conference Organizing Committee and the roundtable moderators was Mr. Goran Tesanovic, assistant director for conformity assessment  in the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina and a longtime member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Quality Association.



The Conference was a great opportunity for all interested parties to meet and exchange experiences regarding quality system, from the directors and owners of the companies, quality managers and consultants to organizations and institutions that in some way participate in the implementation of quality management systems. Directors of large companies, that already have organized and/or certified quality management system, had a chance to check why an organized system for quality management  is a ticket for a success on a regional and international level. The owners of small and medium enterprises can find out, from other people's experiences, how the quality of services and products can be their ticket for success on domestic and especially foreign markets.