Glossary of standardization terms

Showing 2,041-2,060 of 11,006 items.
Standardization fieldTermTerm (EN)Technical committee 
Electrical engineering pilot wire protectionpilot wire protectionBAS/TC 18Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentservicingservicingBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentshock absorbing componentshock absorbing componentBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsheath slippage, case displacementsheath slippage, case displacementBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsheathed core rope; kernmantel ropesheathed core rope; kernmantel ropeBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentshoulder strap shoulder strap BAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentshrinkage shrinkage BAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsit harnesssit harnessBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsit strapsit strapBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsit supportsit supportBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentslingslingBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsoundness of fixingsoundness of fixingBAS/TC 14Details
Electrical engineering power-line-carrier protection carrier-pilot protection (USA)power-line-carrier protection carrier-pilot protection (USA)BAS/TC 18Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentsplicespliceBAS/TC 14Details
Electrical engineering microwave link protection microwave-pilot protection (USA)microwave link protection microwave-pilot protection (USA)BAS/TC 18Details
Electrical engineering optical link protectionoptical link protectionBAS/TC 18Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentspliced eyespliced eyeBAS/TC 14Details
Electrical engineering intertripping transfer tripping (USA)intertripping transfer tripping (USA)BAS/TC 18Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentstatic lockingstatic lockingBAS/TC 14Details
Health, environment and medical equipmentstatic strength teststatic strength testBAS/TC 14Details