Glossary of standardization terms

Standardization fieldChemicals, chemical engineering, agricultural and food products
Technical committeeBAS/TC 45- Agriculture
Term (EN)conditioning atmosphere
Definition (EN)atmosphere in which a sample or test piece is kept before being subjected to test NOTE 1 It is characterized by specified values for one or more of the following parameters: temperature, relative humidity and pressure, which are kept within the prescribed tolerances for a given period of time. NOTE 2 The term "conditioning" refers to the operation as a whole designed to bring a sample or test piece, before testing, into a specified condition in relation to temperature and humidity, by keeping it for a given period of time in the conditioning atmosphere. NOTE 3 The conditioning can be done either in the laboratory or in a special enclosure termed "the conditioning chamber", or in the test chamber. NOTE 4 The chosen values and period of time depend on the nature of the sample or test piece to be tested. NOTE 5 Adapted from ISO 558:1980, definition 2.2.
Term (FR)
Definition (FR)
Term (DE)
Definition (DE)
Term (BS)atmosfera kondicioniranja
Definition (BS)atmosfera u kojoj se uzorak ili ispitni komad drži prije nego se podvrgne ispitivanju NAPOMENA 1 Nju karakterišu utvrđene vrijednosti za jedan ili više sljedećih parametara: temperatura, relativna vlažnost i pritisak, koji se održavaju unutar dozvoljenih odstupanja za dati vremenski period. NAPOMENA 2 Termin „kondicioniranje” odnosi se na cjelokupnu operaciju koja treba da dovede do toga da uzorak ili ispitni komad, prije ispitivanja, budu u utvrđenom stanju u odnosu na temperaturu i vlažnost, držeći ga tokom datog perioda u atmosferi kondicioniranja. NAPOMENA 3 Kondicioniranje može da se obavi ili u laboratoriji ili u specijalnom priboru koji se zove “komora za kondicioniranje”, ili u komori za ispitivanje. NAPOMENA 4 Odabrane vrijednosti i vremenski period zavise od prirode uzorka ili ispitnog komada koji treba da se ispituje. NAPOMENA 5 Prerađeno na osnovu ISO 558:1980, definicija 2.2.
Term (HR)
Definition (HR)
Term (SR)
Definition (SR)