BAS EN 861:2008
Sigurnost mašina za obradu drveta - Mašine za ravnanje (površinsku obradu) i rendisaljke – tanjilice (za drvo)
Opće informacije
Status: Povučen
Broj strana: 63
Jezik: Engleski
Izdanje: 2.
Metoda usvajanja: Proglašavanje
Nadnevak objave: 30.12.2008
Tehnički komitet:
This document deals with the significant hazards, hazardous situation and events as listed in Clause 4 relevant to stationary and displaceable surface planing and thicknessing machines with an integrated feed in thicknessing mode, (with or without demountable power feed unit in planning mode) and with manual loading and unloading of the work-piece, hereinafter referred to as "machines". The cutterblock is fixed in position and for thicknessing an integrated feed is provided. The machines are designed to cut solid wood, chipboard, fibreboard and plywood when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
This document does not deal with any hazards which result from the attachment of an optional mortising unit. These hazards are covered by prEN 940:2007.
This document does not apply to:
a) machines set up on a bench or a table similar to a bench, which are intended to carry out work in a stationary position, capable of being lifted by one person by hand;
NOTE 1 Transportable motor-operated electric tools are covered by the requirements of EN 61029-1:2000 together with prEN 61029-2-3:2004.
b) surface planing and thicknessing machines where the cutterblock is adjustable for depth of cut setting in thicknessing mode;
c) machines where the conversion from planing to thicknessing mode or vice versa is achieved by mounting or demounting parts/units.
This document is not applicable to surface planing and thicknessing machines which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.
NOTE 2 Machines covered by this document are listed under A.5 of Annex IV of the Machinery Directive.
Životni ciklus
Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
- EN 861:2007, identičan