prBAS ISO/IEC TS 23220-2:2025

Cards and security devices for personal identification — Building blocks for identity management via mobile devices — Part 2: Data objects and encoding rules for generic eID systems

General information
Number of pages:0
Adoption method:Korice
Realization date:24.01.2025
Forseen date for next stage code:30.01.2025
Technical committee:BAS/TC 1, Information technology
35.240.15, Identification cards and related devices

This document specifies data objects and encoding rules of generic eID-Systems in terms of building blocks for mobile document system infrastructures, and standardizes generic data models for data exchanges between mdoc apps and verification applications. This document is applicable to entities involved in specifying, architecting, designing, testing, maintaining, administering, and operating a mobile eID-System in parts or as a whole.


Original document and degree of correspondence
ISO/IEC TS 23220-2:2024, identical

Work material

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