prBAS EN ISO 19103:2025

Geographic information - Conceptual schema language

General information
Number of pages:0
Adoption method:Proglašavanje
Realization date:24.01.2025
Forseen date for next stage code:30.01.2025
Technical committee:BAS/TC 1, Information technology
35.240.70, IT applications in science

This document specifies provisions for the use of a conceptual schema language within the context of modelling geographic information. The chosen conceptual schema language is a subset of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). This document specifies a UML profile for modelling geographic information. This document specifies a set of core data types for use in conceptual schemas. The standardization target type of this document is conceptual schemas describing geographic information.


Original document and degree of correspondence
EN ISO 19103:2024, identical
ISO 19103:2024, identical

Work material

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