Showing 1-20 of 384 items.
Standard referenceStage codeBAS/TCReal dateForseen date for next stage code
prBAS EN 13977:2024
Railway applications - Track - Safety requirements for portable machines and trolleys for construction and maintenance
00.99BAS/TC 4614.05.202431.05.2024
prBAS Glasanje o sistemskom preispit. ISO standarda
00.99BAS/TC 3119.12.201906.04.2022
prBAS Glasanje o sistemskom preispit. ISO standarda:
00.99BAS/TC 4311.05.202211.07.2022
prBAS Glasanje o sistemskom preispit. ISO standarda:
00.99BAS/TC 6619.10.202101.12.2021
prBAS Glasanje operiodičnom preispit. BAS standarda:
00.99BAS/TC 4311.07.202206.07.2022
prBAS IEC 60884-2-7:/A1/Cor1:2024
Corrigendum 1 - Amendment 1 - Plugs and socket-outlets for household and similar purposes - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for cord extension sets
00.99BAS/TC 3025.03.202410.06.2024
nsBAS CLC/TS 50458:2024
Capacitance graded outdoor bushing 52 kV up to 420 kV for oil immersed transformers
40.20BAS/TC 806.09.202405.11.2024
nsBAS EN 61869-4:2024
Instrument transformers - Part 4: Additional requirements for combined transformers
40.20BAS/TC 806.09.202405.11.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 11490:2024
Jewellery and precious metals - Determination of palladium - Gravimetry using dimethylglyoxime
40.60BAS/TC 3819.08.202422.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 13686:2024
Natural gas - Quality designation
40.60BAS/TC 3106.08.202431.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 6975:2024
Natural gas - Extended analysis - Gas-chromatographic method
40.60BAS/TC 3106.08.202431.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 6976:2024
Natural gas - Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe indices from composition
40.60BAS/TC 3106.08.202431.08.2024
nsBAS ISO 5725-1:2024
Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results — Part 1: General principles and definitions
40.60BAS/TC 3819.08.202422.08.2024
pnBAS CLC/TS 61643-22:2024
Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 22: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks - Selection and application principles
30.20BAS/TC 805.07.202415.08.2024
pnBAS EN 113-3:2024
Durability of wood and wood-based products - Test method against wood destroying basidiomycetes - Part 3: Assessment of durability of wood-based panels
30.20BAS/TC 4205.09.202424.09.2024
pnBAS EN 12037:2024
Wood preservatives - Field test method for determining the relative protective effectiveness of a wood preservative exposed out of ground contact - Horizontal lap-joint method
30.20BAS/TC 4205.09.202424.09.2024
pnBAS EN 12177:2024
Liquid petroleum products - Unleaded petrol - Determination of benzene content by gas chromatography
30.20BAS/TC 1113.03.202405.04.2024
pnBAS EN 12825:2024
Raised access floors
30.20BAS/TC 4205.09.202424.09.2024
pnBAS EN 13213:2024
Hollow floors
30.20BAS/TC 4205.09.202424.09.2024
pnBAS EN 1335-1+A1:2024
Office furniture - Office work chair - Part 1: Dimensions - Determination of dimensions
30.20BAS/TC 4205.09.202424.09.2024