Showing 1-20 of 21 items.
Standard referenceStage codeBAS/TCReal dateForseen date for next stage code
BAS CLC/TS 61643-22:2024
Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 22: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks - Selection and application principles
60.00BAS/TC 812.12.202417.12.2024
nsBAS EN 50365:2025
Live Working - Electrically insulating helmets for use on low and medium voltage installations
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN 50528:2025
Insulating ladders for use on or near low voltage electrical installations
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN 50719:2025
Connecting terminal flags for bushings from 250 A to 4 000 A for insulating liquid filled transformers
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 60437:2025
Radio interference test on high-voltage insulators
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 61462:2025
Composite hollow insulators - Pressurized and unpressurized insulators for use in electrical equipment with AC rated voltage greater than 1 000 V AC and D.C. voltage greater than 1500V - Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria and design recommendations
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 61643-332:2025
Components for low-voltage surge protection - Part 332: Selection and application principles for metal oxide varistors (MOV)
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 62631-2-3:2025
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 2-3: Relative permittivity and dissipation factor - Contact electrode method for insulating films - AC methods
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 62631-3-12:2025
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 3-12: Determination of resistive properties (DC methods) - Volume resistance and volume resistivity - Method for casting resins
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 62631-3-2:2025
Dielectric and resistive properties of solid insulating materials - Part 3-2: Determination of resistive properties (DC methods) - Surface resistance and surface resistivity
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 62772:2025
Composite hollow core station post insulators with a.c. voltage greater than 1 000 V and d.c. voltage greater than 1 500 V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 62836:2025
Measurement of internal electric field in insulating materials - Pressure wave propagation method
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS EN IEC 62896:2025
Hybrid insulators for AC and DC for high-voltage applications greater than 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS IEC TR 60099-10:2025
Surge arresters - Part 10: Rationale for tests specified by IEC 60099-4:2014
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS IEC TR 60216-7-2:2025
Electrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 7-2: Accelerated determination of relative thermal endurance using analytical test methods (RTEA) - Results of the round robin tests to validate procedures of IEC TS 60216-7-1 by non-isothermal kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS IEC TR 61328:2025
Live working - Guidelines for the installation of transmission and distribution line conductors and earth wires - Stringing equipment and accessory items
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS IEC TR 61643-03:2025
Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 03: SPD Testing Guide
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS IEC TS 61934:2025
Electrical insulating materials and systems - Electrical measurement of partial discharges (PD) under short rise time and repetitive voltage impulses
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
nsBAS IEC/IEEE 63253-5713-8:2025
Station Service Voltage Transformers (SSVT)
40.20BAS/TC 812.03.202512.05.2025
prBAS EN 60909-0:2025
Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents
20.20BAS/TC 816.01.202530.04.2025