Information and documentation emergency preparedness and response

The first edition of the international standard ISO 21110: 2019 - Information and documentation - Emergency preparedness and response, which was published by ISO in August 2019, is now being adopted by the Technical Committee BAS/TC 44.


This standard provides recommendations and examples of good practice for  archives, libraries and museums in emergency.


ISO 21110: 2019 is a document that provides a context for emergency planning, response and recovery for all types of an archive, library or museum collections. Of course, this standard is not intended to be an operations manual in emergency situations, but it contains a large number of examples of good practice, which can at least be used as ideas for action depending on specific conditions - type of information, type of emergency, available resources, etc. .


ISO 21110: 2019 gives a framework for indicators as tools for preparation of emergency plans and activities. There are a total of 95 indicators  divided into 18 standards and 11 benchmarks. The standard also contains 7 informative annexes: Stakeholders and their roles during the incident, Example template of response and recovery plan, Emergency planning - principal components, Suggested roles and responsibilities during relocation, Typical list  of tasks in the case of water leakage, List of supplies and Example of a daily occurrence report form.


This standard can provide valuable information and ideas on how to deal with emergency situations, how to mitigate its consequences and reduce risks to a minimum.


That is why it is very important to work on its popularization, in order to bring the experiences, knowledge and ideas from the standards to the general public.