Participate in the development of the Work Programme of the Institute for Standardization of BiH on the adoption of BiH standards for 2021

The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina has initiated the process of drafting the Work Programme of the Institute for the adoption of standards and other standardization documents for 2021.


In order for all stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina to express their needs, and thus participate in the development of the Work Programme, we would like to invite you to submit your proposals for the adoption of BiH standards (BAS) using the following form.


Please note that BiH standards are prepared in accordance with the Rulebook on the Procedure for Preparation, Adoption and Publication of BiH Standards ("Official Gazette of BiH", no. 51/18) and the Internal Rules for Standardization, which are available on our website.


Your proposals should contain information on European (EN) and international (ISO and IEC) standards that need to be adopted as BiH standards by one of the envisaged adoption methods.


If there is no European and international standard for a particular standardization area​​, you can propose the development of an original BiH standard or a revision of the existing original BiH standard by submitting a proposal or justification for its draft or revision.


Send your suggestions by mail to:

Institute for Standardization of BiH,

Trg Ilidžanske brigade 2B,

71123 East Sarajevo,

or by e-mail: no later than July 24, 2020.


Contact persons at the Institute are: