Participate in the Development of the Programme of the Institute for Standardization of BiH for the Adoption of National Standards for 2017

The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina started the process of drafting the work programme of the Institute on the adoption of standards and other standardization documents for 2017 that is being developed by BiH technical committees (BAS TCs) composed of experts representing the relevant stakeholders.


In order to ensure that all stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina can express their needs, participate in the development of the Programme and, at the same time, in the work of the Institute for Standardization, we would like to invite you to submit your proposals starting September 1, 2016.


Please note that all BiH standards are being prepared in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Preparation, Adoption and Publication of BiH standards (“Official Gazette”, no 49/09) and Internal rules for Standardization, which are available on our website.


Contact persons at the Institute are: