3rd European Standardization Summit and CEN and CENELEC Annual Meetings

Director of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina - BAS Mr. Aleksandar Cincar attended the 3rd  European Standardization Summit which was held in Istanbul on June 11th , 2014. Bearing in mind the fact that in the next 50 years the number of residents older than 65 in Europe will be doubled, or that by 2025 more than 20% of the population will be older than 65, this year's summit was dedicated to ageing population. Themes of the summit included the standardization for healthcare services, age-friendly cities homes and environment, skills for the silver economy and technologies and innovation for independent living and active ageing. Standards are an important tool which will allow the aforementioned services and environment to accommodate the ageing population.     

The following day, on June 12th,  a joint session of the General Assembly of the European Standardization Organizations CEN and CENELEC was held, followed by the General Assembly of CEN and General Assembly of CENELEC. Topics for discussion included Regulation EU No. 1025/2012, the criteria for membership in CEN, CENELEC, joint cooperation with ETSI, cooperation between ESOs and ROSSTANDARD - Russian Standards Organization and ANSI - the American National Standards Institute with the aim of joint collaboration on standardization in order to improve the trade between Russia and Europe and USA and Europe. New decisions aimed at improvement of standardization work were made. A number of resolutions were adopted and regular annual election of representatives in the working bodies of these organizations was held.