Third Balkan workshop on Eurocodes - Making maps for climate and seismic activity in the design of structures in the Balkan region

From  27 to 28 October 2015, in Zagreb, the third Workshop on “Elaboration of maps for climatic and seismic actions for structural design in the Balkan region” was held. The Workshop was organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) - along with the European Commission. Representatives of the Western Balkan countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Turkey attended the Workshop.


Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by: Deputy Director of the Institute for Standardization Borislav Kraljević, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sanin Džidić, Assist. Prof. Dr.. Naida Ademović from the Civil Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo and Nihada Kulenović, associate of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The workshop was focused on the elaboration of maps of climatic and seismic actions and specific needs arising from its elaboration. The programme of the Workshop is composed of 4 parts:


  • Lectures delivered by invited experts concerning the elaboration of maps for seismic and climatic (wind, snow and thermal) actions, and sharing experience
  • Lectures delivered by invited experts concerning the assessment and retrofitting of existing structures
  • National presentations of non-EU countries about the progress of elaboration of maps for climatic and seismic actions for structural design
  • Round table discussion regarding the progress of elaboration of maps for climatic and seismic actions for structural design in the Balkan region -  barriers,  conclusions and way ahead.


On behalf of the delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Assist. Prof. Dr. Sanin Džidić  held a presentation on “National Report - the current situation on the adoption of Eurocodes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.”




For more information about this workshop, as well as working materials and all events related to the Eurocodes see: