Strategic plan for the adoption of standards and other standardization documents in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2019-2021

The Institute for Standardization of BiH has prepared and published the Strategic Plan for the Adoption of Standards and Other Standardization Documents in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2019-2021., which, in accordance with Article 22 paragraph (7) of the Rules of Procedure of the Council for Standardization of BiH, has also been adopted by the Council for Standardization of BiH, as an expert and advisory body of the Institute for Standardization of BiH.


The purpose of this document is the planning of the adoption of BiH BAS standards and other standardization documents for the period 2019-2021. in order to fulfil the requirements of users through the application of the adopted standards and implementation of the planned activities, and prevent technical barriers in trade, review the activities in the coming period and provide the necessary resources.


The Institute addressed the invitation to the institutions of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Srpska, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Brčko District, and private and public enterprises from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina (1395 invitations) to present their needs for European, international or original BiH standards. The total number of proposed projects is slightly over 170 (162 proposed standards and 12 areas in which the adoption of standards is proposed). Following the conducted standard users survey regarding their needs, considerations and comparison of economic, non-economic and social parameters and priorities, based on pre-established criteria, a list of priorities, dynamics and method of promulgation of standards in the considered period has been established.


The document was prepared in accordance with the Developing National Standardization Strategies – Manual (Version 2.1) prepared by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


Strategic Plan for the Adoption of Standards and other Standardization Documents in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2019 – 2021