“Standardization - a manual for use in higher education instruction and continuing education in companies”

Having in mind the growing importance given to the introduction and consideration of standards and implementation of standardization in virtually all activities, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina - BAS and the Bosnia-Herzegovina Electrical Engineering Committee - BAKE jointly published the book “Standardization - a manual for use in higher education instruction and continuing education in companies” , by Edina Tanovic, assistant d


It is unthinkable in a modern world that after graduation engineers and other highly educated personnel have no knowledge on standards and standardization. Learning about standards and standardization is a longstanding practice in developed countries, with regard to the fact that the standards have a significant impact on almost all areas of life and business.

International Standards Organizations ISO, IEC and ITU recognized the fundamental contribution that educational institutions can provide by teaching about standardization and achievements that can be accomplished with standards, and they developed a series of initiatives to include the academic society in standardization processes and mutual sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise. European standards organizations are recently included in this initiative.

Noticing that this aspect of education in our country is unjustly neglected, and wanting to contribute to the education of young experts, BAS and BAKE decided to offer a short course in the standardization area given in the book “Standardization - a manual for use in higher education instruction and continuing education in companies” to the higher education institutions from BiH.

The purpose of the manual is to provide lecturers with a compact material that could be used, in accordance with the needs of certain groups (students, businessmen and other interested parties), to give a lectures on standards and standardization. The book gives the basics of standards and modern standardization, then discusses the international, European and national standards organizations, methods of adoption of standards and relation between standards and regulations.


They said about the manual:

Goran Tesanovic:
“Having in mind that the importance of standardization is growing along with the development of global market and the increase in range of products and services, the author has presented the role and importance of standards in adopting regulations and technical regulations, the role and importance of standards in international trade, the influence of European Union on the development of standards (New Approach Directives and harmonized standards), as well as the importance of establishing a quality infrastructure system consisting of standardization, accreditation, conformity assessment, metrology and market surveillance activities that will be performed in accordance with the principles established by the WTO and the principles established in the EU internal market so it can respond to the market request and avoid creating barriers and ensure openness for goods and services at the global market”.

Sead Bekic:
“I think that the Standardization – a manual for use in higher education instruction and continuing education in companies is written in ​​a very systematic and high quality manner, with a full knowledge of the matter. It would be desirable (...) to forward the given manual to the higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a starting material for the work in standardization area, which is totally unjustifiably  neglected in our universities. The knowledge of this area, at least in its basics, is extremely important for quick involvement of graduate students into all business processes. Greater involvement of the academic community in the processes of preparation and adoption of standards is also very significant.”