BAS EN 61869-5:2025 Adopted by Translation Method
The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through its Technical Committee BAS/TC 8, Insulation coordination, high-voltage testing, and instrument transformers, has adopted the second edition of BAS EN 61869-5:2025, Instrument transformers – Part 5: Additional requirements for capacitor voltage transformers, by translation method. This edition is a translation of the English version of the European standard EN 61869-5:2011.
BAS EN 61869-5:2025, which is part of the IEC 61869 series, applies to new single-phase capacitor voltage transformers connected between line and ground for system voltages Um ≥ 72.5 kV at power frequencies from 15 Hz to 100 Hz. They are intended to supply a low voltage for measurement, control, and protective functions.
The capacitor voltage transformer may can be equiped with or without carrier-frequency accessories for power line carrier (PLC) applications at carrier frequencies from 30 kHz to 500 kHz.
The base requirements for coupling capacitors and capacitors dividers are defined in IEC 60358, while transmission requirements for coupling devices for power line carrier (PLC) systems are defined in IEC 60481. The measurement application includes both indicating measuring and revenue measuring.
The original texts of the standard were prepared by the International Technical Committee IEC/TC 38, Instrument Transformers.