Agreement on Cooperation with the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Agreement on Cooperation between the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina was signed on 5 September 2016 in Sarajevo by Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, director of the Institute and Mr. Bruno Bojić, president of the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The aim of the Agreement is to undertake actions to improve the competitiveness of products and services of business entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and create conditions for its free circulation at the single European market. The Agreement stipulates cooperation in the preparation and organization of courses, seminars, meetings, conferences, roundtables and other forms of permanent education in the field of standardization and quality infrastructure.


The Agreement also stipulates strengthening of mutual cooperation in order to maintain a high level of competence and quality of service of the Chamber members, especially members of the Association of accredited bodies for quality assessment, certification and verification, and more numerous and more active participation of representatives of the members of the Association in the activities of technical committees and other expert bodies of the Institute, and further improvement of conformity assessment system as an integral part of quality infrastructure.



With these activities the Institute continues the practice of approaching stakeholders to promote the importance and effects of the implementation of national standards and related documents, as well as promoting the role and importance of standardization and conformity assessment in the implementation of technical and other regulations, and establishing better regulatory practices.