Pharmacy symposium with international participation organized by Pharmaceutical Chamber of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Symposium „New role of pharmacists in the health protection system“ was held in Holiday Inn in Sarajevo, from 12 to 14 April 2013. Representatives of the professional associations from 10 cantons participated at the symposium and discussions were held on standards, ways of its preparation and implementation in the pharmacy, professionalism, ethic and autonomy in providing pharmaceutical services, models and payment of those services in Europe and Bosnia and Herzegovina, new role of pharmacists in hospital pharmacy as well as academic expertise in pharmacy. On behalf of the Institute for standardization, MSc Pharm Tatjana Vidović participated in the discussion about European and International standards and the possibilities of its implementation as well as other expert areas of health profession. Colleagues were informed on the existance and role of the Institute and implementation of certain standards in healthcare institutions.