Seminar „The role of accredited laboratories in the area of construction materials“

On 18th March 2013, at the premises of the Institute for standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a seminar titled „The role of accredited laboratories in the area of construction materials“ was held, jointly organized by the Ministry of Forgein Trade and Economic Relations of BiH, Czech Development Agency (CzDA) and Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing (UNMZ) with the support of BAS/TC 9 – Cement, gypsum, lime and other inorganic bonded materials. Seminar was organized within the project „Support to the implementation of free trade principles and increasing product safety in the BiH market“. At the opening statements the cooperation between this two countries was discussed. The Ambasador of the Czech Republic, Mr. Tomas Szunyog said that each year Czech Republic allocates certain funds for realization of projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that he hopes the cooperation will continue in the new areas as well. On behalf of the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing, Mrs. Jindra Kafková presented information on project and realization of the project so far as well as the role of UNMZ and VUPS (Research Institute for Buildings – Certification Body). Basic information on conformity assessment system in Czech Republic, rules for placing products on the market, Resolution 768 – Notification and control of notified bodies for conformity assessment were presented by Deputy President of the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing. Lectures regarding „European regulation in the area of construction materials (89/106 EEC 305/2011)“, „Standards – their role in conformity assessment process (EU standards, international standards, national standards, relation between regulations and standards)“ and „Technical requirements for construction products“ were held by Mr. Lubomir Keim, Director of the Research Institute for Buildings – Certification Body (VUPS). Mr. Jiři Kohoutek, Head of the Testing laboratory at VUPS talked about the role of accreditation in the conformity assessment process, testing laboratories as business entities and the quality system at accredited testing laboratories. Certificates on participation at the „Role of accredited laboratories in the area of construction products“ were awarded at the end of the seminar.