Cooperation with the Institute for Standardization of Serbia and the Institute for Standardization of Azerbaijan

The Director of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, paid a working visit to the Institute for Standardization of Serbia on October 4th .



On that occasion, the Agreement on business-technical cooperation with the Institute for Standardization of Serbia in the field of conformity assessment has been signed. The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Institute for Standardization of Serbia have committed to establish and accredit certification bodies for management systems at the Institute for Standardization of BiH through the exchange of information, know-how, documentation, employees training, joint, mutual activities on internal verification and certification of the management system.



Also, on this occasion, managers of national standardization bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia signed Memoranda of Understanding with the Institute for Standardization of Azerbaijan.




The Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Institute for Standardization of Azerbaijan stipulates the improvement of cooperation in the field of standardization and exchange of expertise between these two bodies in the forthcoming period. The Memorandum also stipulates the exchange of information on programs for the development of national standards and projects, the exchange of information, know-how, consultations in the field of conformity assessment and certification, as well as the organization of joint seminars and symposia.