Regional course „ISO marketing and promotion of international standards“

From 31 October to 2 November 2012, in Bucharest regional course „ISO marketing and promotion of international standards“ was held, hosted by Romanian Standards Association (ASRO).


The speakers at the course were Mr Nicolas Fleurry and Mr Régis Brinster from ISO.

The role and benefits of marketing, the importance of marketing planning and implementation of ISO POCOSA 12 was presented to the participants. In addition, ISO products were also presented as well as benefits of e-marketing and public services. The part of presentation was dedicated to significance of promotion and fulfilment of customer requests.

Representatives from Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Serbia and Uzbekistan attended the course.

Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Aleksandar Cincar, Director of the Institute, and Dejana Bogdanovic, Head of INDOC.