Marketing and Communication workshop on International Standards

Marketing and communication workshop on international standards was held in Warsaw - Poland from 8-10 December 2014 organized by the International Organization for Standardization – ISO and hosted by the Polish Committee for Standardization - PKN.


The workshop was attended by representatives of national standards bodies from Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Ukraine that are involved in activities related to marketing, communication and sales of standards. The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Dejana Bogdanović - head of the Department of Journalism and Information and Documentation and Biljana Maletić - assistant in the office of the Director and Deputy Director of the Institute for Standardization.


How to communicate on standardization and related activities with stakeholders and the public at large was addressed at the workshop, as well as the sale of international standards, pricing and distribution, intellectual property and copyright issues, and using the web as a sales and communication tool.



During the workshop, the participating countries had the task to present the situation in their respective countries related to specific topics which was an ideal opportunity for the exchange of information and good practices. A great attention was also paid to social media (web sites and social networks) as communication channels, ISO POCOSA 2012 - ISO Policy for the distribution of ISO publications and the protection of ISO’s copyright, as well as ISO’s products with special emphasis on the webstore or sale of standards via website.