First Consultation of BH K/O CIRED

BiH Committee of the International Council on Large Electrical Systems (BH K CIGRÉ) and BiH Committee of the International Conference on Electricity Distribution (BH K CIRED) organized the First Consultation that was held from 14 to 16 October, 2018 in Mostar.


A large number of professional papers were submitted, which were presented within the six sections of BH K CIRED. Also, the round table “Electromagnetic fields EMF - ELF, legislation” was held regarding the influence of electromagnetic fields on workers and population.


The role of the Institute for standardization of BiH, BiH standardization system, and the European and BiH standards in this field were presented by Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, Director of the Institute for Standardization of BiH. In addition to standards, European recommendations and directives in this area were discussed. Also, experiences with representatives of countries from the region, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia who presented the degree of legislation harmonization in their countries with the European legislation were exchanged.