Promotion of the textbook "Personal and collective protective equipment"

At the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla a promotion of the university textbook “Personal and collective protective equipment”, by Željko Knežiček, Abduselam Adilović and Aleksandar Regent was held. The textbook is intended for students of the third year of the Faculty of  Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, Department of Safety and Help, University of Tuzla.


Promoters of the textbooks were academician Enver Mandžić , PhD Jozef Horvat and PhD Ifet Šišić, who emphasized that this book, in addition to students, will facilitate access to recent information as well as to all those that have influence on safety  at work in general. Although BiH lags behind in this area, the authors expect that the new law on health and safety at work will bring positive changes.


Guests were also addressed by the Director of the Institute for Standardization of BiH, Mr. Aleksandar Cincar. He pointed out that the promotion of the textbook “Personal and collective protective equipment” is, at the same time, a sort of promotion of standardization system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through cooperation of representatives of the Institute for Standardization of BiH and the authors this textbook, who invested a huge effort, work and knowledge in its writing, we now have very useful university textbook. The Institute for Standardization of BiH, as the institution in charge of protecting intellectual property of standards, has given permission to the authors to interpret the parts of national standards in their textbook, which gave it an added value. The textbook will almost surely be of great benefit to students of Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering in Tuzla, but also to other students and engineers who work in this field, and will greatly contribute to better protection and safety of workers in the economy sector, especially in the mining industry.


At the end, Mr. Cincar congratulated both textbook authors and reviewers for their efforts and their will to show in this textbook both the importance of the implementation of BiH national standards and the importance and necessity of the implementation of the EU Directive on Personal Protective Equipment.