Change of the visual identity of the Institute

For the purpose of modernization and better visual recognition of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina within the standardization community and among stakeholders as well as for monitoring the trends of digital transformation in standardization, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina is using new acronym - ISBIH, as well as new logo from September 1, 2019.


The new logo of the Institute consists of three elements, where the first element, that is, a folded sheet of paper is symbolizing a standard, a document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body, which lays down the rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or its results, for general and multiple use. The second element of the logo, the yellow triangle, symbolizes the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an umbrella organization, that is, the only recognized institution that adopts BiH standards. This element also symbolizes the shape of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the map. The third element, ISBIH, is the acronym for the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


In accordance with the Law on Standardization of BiH, the acronym BAS will still be used for the national standards of BiH adopted and published by the Institute for Standardization of BiH. BAS acronym consists of a two-letter country code for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as set by the international standard ISO 3166-1, and the initial letter of the word standard (S).