Invitation to participate in the development of the Strategic plan for the adoption of BiH standards for the period 2022-2024

The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in accordance with the Developing National Standardization Strategies - Manual, Version 2.1, 2018-01-15 adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is developing a Strategic plan for the adoption of BiH standards and other standardization documents for the period 2022–2024.

We would like to invite you to identify the standards you are interested in, or standards that affect or could affect your core activity or daily work, and to express your needs for European, international or original standards that the Institute would adopt in the system of BiH standardization in the next three years.

We suggest that you use the following form to indicate the standards whose adoption is of particular interest to your organization.

You can send your answers by mail to: the Institute for Standardization of BiH, Trg Ilidžanske brigade 2B, 71123 East Sarajevo, or to an e-mail:

For any additional information, the contact persons at the Institute are:

Tihomir Andjelić, for general standardization, 057/310-598;
Zvjezdan Šehovac, for electrotechnical standardization, 057/310-577.

Proposed standards should be submitted by August 9, 2021 at the latest.