Memorandum of Understanding with Hydrometeorological Institutes

By signing the Memorandum of Understanding, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina established cooperation with the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Republic of Srpska (RHMZRS) and Hydrometeorological Institute of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FHMZBiH).


Memorandum was signed by Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, director of the Institute, Mr. Zoran Božović, director of the RHMZRS and Mr. Almir Bijedić, director of the FHMZBiH.


Cooperation refers to collecting and using of data for creating maps (snow, temperature, seismic and wind maps) which are required for the preparation of national annexes for the Eurocodes.

This is one of the activities within the project “Support to the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of implementation of Eurocodes”, which the Institute for Standardization is implementing in cooperation with the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing and the Czech Development Agency.


The Council of Ministries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the 117th meeting held on January 12, 2015, considered and adopted the Information of the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Second Conference of the Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Bosnia and Herzegovina on “Earthquakes” which was held on December 17, 2014 in Sarajevo. One of the conclusions from the Information relates to the obligation of adoption and implementation of Eurocodes which are defining the field of design and construction in seismically active areas. By adoption and translation of the Eurocodes, and by development of national annexes Institute for Standardization is working on fulfilling appointed conditions.