Visit to the Standarization Institute of the Republic of Macedonia (ISRM)

On Wednesday, 5 December 2012 representatives of the Institute for standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS) paid a working visit to the Standardization institute of the Republic of Macedonia (ISRM) in Skopje. During the visit representatives of BAS were acquainted with work and organization of this institute.


Three months ago ISRM became a full member of European standards organizations CEN and CENELEC, and in discussions during the visit special attention was paid to that fact. Friendly staff of ISRM presented and explained the method of their organization in order to fulfil nine conditions for full membership in said standards organizations, as well as obligations deriving from full membership. Also, representatives of BAS Institute had an oportunity to gain significant information and experiences from ISRM related to the use of LiveLink.