Presentations on Standards in HT ERONET

In order to promote standardization and to raise public awareness in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the importance and role of standards, the importance of their implementation and achieving competitiveness of companies that implement and use standards, on July 9th, 2014 a presentation was held in HT Eronet in Mostar.

Representatives of BAS Institute presented standards that may be of an interest to a telecommunications corporation such as Eronet HT Mostar. Discussions were held on technical standards in the field of telecommunications, basic requirements of the management system standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001, etc. We also discussed the possibilities of their implementation and its end benefits, the methods of adopting standards, the number of translated standards in languages used in Bosnia and Herzegovina, etc.

Attendees were informed about the work and role of the Institute for Standardization of BiH, standardization process and the importance of the membership in the BAS technical committees and experts were invited to participate in the work of BAS technical committees.