ISO regional workshop on implementing national standardization strategies

The workshop was attended by 25 participants from 13 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.


The objective of this three-day workshop was to discuss the main (common) challenges in applying the methodology to the real situation of the development of the National Standardization Strategy (NSS), as well as to address issues related to implementation aspects of the NSS, and the exchange of experiences between the participants in the workshop.


Following the publication of the NSS, ISO members should take concrete steps towards its implementation, and they should also consider integrating the development of an NSS into their core strategy processes.


The national standardization strategy is one of the priority initiatives under the ISO Action Plan for Developing Countries 2016-2020, namely, strengthening National Standards Bodies' strategic capabilities.



At this regional workshop, Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Tihomir Anđelić and Dragan Ćućilo from the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.