Second Balkan Standardization Conference

Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS) hosted the Second Balkan standardization conference, which was held from 10 to 12 June 2013 in Sarajevo. The central theme of the conference is ”The connection between the standard and economy – How to make standardization available to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)”. Also, this was an opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences in order to promote regional cooperation in the standardization area.



The conference was attended by representatives of national standardization bodies from Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo * (in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244), Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and the host country, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Special guests were Mrs. Elena Santiago Cid, CEN/CENELEC Director General, Mr. Francisco Verdera Mari, ISO Officer International Relations and Cooperation, Mr. David Norris, Team Leader, Project Regional Quality Infrastructure in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

During the first day, four round table were held discussing about best practices in the region concerning education and training in the standardization area, conformity assessment, CEN/CENELEC Guide 8 and CEN/CENELEC Guide 10.

Central part of the conference was held on the second day, and was opened by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Mirko Sarovic. At the beginning of the session Mrs. Elena Santiago Cid presented CEN/CENELEC standardization strategy 2020. The main part of the conference was dedicated to the relationship between standards and the economy, with special focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as the activities that the national standardization bodies can implement in order to make standardization available to all small and medium enterprises, and what the manufacturers themselves need to know about standards. Representatives of all present national standardization bodies discussed the situation in their own country regarding this area.

During the third day of the conference, a visits to the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina was organized, and on this occasion the participants were able to familiarize themselves with the activities of the Institute. During the working part of the third day of the conference, two round tables were organized and were dedicated to regional cooperation and exchange of experiences regarding Eurocodes and joint cooperation in translating standards.

Also, it was agreed that the Third Balkan Conference that is to be hosted by the Institute for Standardization of Montenegro (ISME) will be held next year. Host of the Fourth Balkan conference that should be organized in 2015 will be the Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS), and the host in 2016 will be Turkish Standards Institute (TSE), as agreed.