50th Jubilee Session of BAS/TC 3, Quality management and quality assurance held

50th jubilee session of technical committee BAS/TC 3, Quality management and quality assurance was held at the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 May 2013. M. Sc. Mirsad Begic, chairman of the committee, presided the session. In his opening address Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, director of the Institute welcomed all the participants, congratulated and thanked them for their work. Mr. Cincar also handed out certificates of appreciation and wished them further success. After the official part, working part of the 50th session continued according to the established agenda. Standards in accordance with the committee’s work plan for 2013 were also discussed.


Most of the work was dedicated to the Pre-draft of PN/BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2013, Conformity assessment – Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection (EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012, IDT; ISO/IEC 17020:2012, IDT). Beside working on standards, the members also exchanged information regarding the committee's scope of work, adopted Minute from the previous session and discussed the involvement of other stakeholders in the activities of BAS/TC 3/WG1, Conformity assessment.
Having exhausted the agenda, participants concluded that the 50th session was very successful and that all the planned objectives were met.