Jubilee session of BAS/TC 4

50th  jubilee session of the Technical Committee BAS/TC 4 Steel, steel products, non-ferrous metals and alloys, was held on 11 May 2016 at the restaurant “Brus” on Trebević.


The session, which was chaired by PhD. Mirsada Oruč, chairman of BAS/TC 4, started after the Deputy Director of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina Borislav Kraljević delivered the speech and welcomed all present participants, sent his congratulations and expressed his appreciation for their work. He wished that their work will continue to be successful and benefit all stakeholders. Mr. Kraljević presented certificates for the contribution for the development and promotion of BiH standardization. After the ceremonial part, the 50th  session had a working character. It was held according to the established agenda and standards in accordance with the first part of the Work plan 2016 were discussed. In addition to reviewing the standards, members also exchanged information related to the scope of ​​this Technical Committee, and adopted the minutes of the previous meeting. Having exhausted the agenda, present participants  concluded that the 50th  session was very successful and that it has met the intended objectives.



Secretariat of BAS/TC 4 is situated in the Metallurgy Institute “Kemal Kapetanović” in Zenica where the sessions are mainly held twice a year.


The Secretary of this Committee is Emina Kratina head of the Department of Physical Metallurgy, at the Institute “Kemal Kapetanović” and coordinator is Mrs. Stana Buha, senior associate at the Institute for Standardization.


The Committee currently has 12 members and until now they have adopted 1311 standards by endorsement method as well as translations of standards.