Seminar “Eurocodes and National Annexes”

As a result of the technical assistance of the Czech Republic to Bosnia and Herzegovina, on September 16, 2014, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS) and the Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing of the Czech Republic (ÚNMZ) jointly organized a seminar “Eurocodes and National Annexes”.


Eurocodes are a set of European standards (EN) intended for design of buildings and civil engineering works, as well as other services and construction products. They serve as a reference documents recognized by authorities of the EU Member States and imply a presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of Construction Products Regulation - CPR 305/2011.


The main purpose of the Eurocodes is to establish a series of general principles and rules for the calculation of all types of civil engineering structures, regardless of the construction material.


Speakers at the seminar were Mr. Jiri Kratochvil, Director Standardis, ÚNMZ; Mr. Lukáš Tichý, Head of Building and Civil Engineering Section, ÚNMZ; Mrs. Dženita Sagdati, Associate in the Building and Civil Engineering Section, ÚNMZ; Mrs. Jana Marková, Deputy Head of the Department of Structural Reliability nad senior associate of the Czech Technical University, Klokner Institute (; Mr. Sanin Džidić, President of BAS/TC 58 - Eurocodes.


At the seminar, the experts presented the dynamics and method of translating the Eurocodes with examples from the Czech Republic (eg. Organizational problems and logistics, translation dynamics, etc..)

National annexes of Eurocodes and examples regarding Eurocode EN 1990 and EN 1991 were also discussed.



The participants were representatives of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Architecture of the University of Sarajevo; Institute for Construction, Building Materials and Non-metals from Tuzla; Institute for Testing Materials and Structures of Republic of Srpska; International BURCH University Sarajevo - Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies; Civil Engineering Institute “IG” from Banja Luka; Public Enterprise “Roads of the Republic of Srpska”; Federal Ministry of Physical Planning; Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations; BAS.