International Forum “Standardization-2019”

The first international standardization forum ”Standardization-2019” was held in Russia, St. Petersburg on October 10-11, 2019. About 400 representatives of government, business and public organizations from the Russian Federation had the opportunity to discuss the most acute problems of international, regional and national standardization.


One of the speakers at the forum was the representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Aleksandar Cincar, Director of the Institute for Standardization of BiH. Director Cincar informed the public about the role of international standards in raising citizen’s confidence in public administration, from the local, to regional, republic and state government level. He also informed the audience on how public administration should focus on achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Director Cincar also participated at another forum where participants exchanged experiences regarding the standardization challenges in the future, such as human resources and digitalization.