Training on Construction Product Regulation

Training course „Relevance on Construction Product Regulation transposition and implementation“ was held from 26th to 27th January 2017 at CEN-CENELEC headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.



Delegations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia participated at the training. Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Mr Borislav Kraljević, Deputy Director of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Mirza Hujić from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ms Klelija Balta from the Institute for Accreditation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Mr Tomislav Dubočanin from the Institute for Urbanism, Civil Engineering and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska.



Main subject of the first day of the training was „Challenges in the process of construction product regulation (CPR): transposition techniques (best practice) in relation to the specificity of CPR terminology“. Participants were introduced to the European legal instruments and the New Legislative Framework (NLF); conditions for the placing of construction products on the EU market; the New Approach and construction products, and obligations of Member States contained in the New Legislative Framework.



The second day subject was „Challenges in the process of CPR implementation“. Participants were introduced to obligations of Member States contained in the CPR; the new mandating process; and impact on harmonised European Standards (hENs).



During the training, each delegation held a presentation on the status of CPR implementation in their country. The Institute for standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina actively works on the adoption of harmonised standards for Construction Product Regulation and out of 507 harmonised standards, 500 were adopted as BAS standards by 31st December 2016.