Promotional publication ISBIH Annual Report 2023 has just been published

As every year, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ISBIH) publishes a promotional  Annual Report regarding the results and activities from the previous year.

At the beginning of June 2023, the new Director of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Aleksandar Todorović, was appointed.

The most significant results and activities in the previous year are as follows:

·         2107 new BAS standards, amendments and other standardization documents were published

·         39 standards were adopted by the translation method

·         3 original standards and 1 original standardization document were developed:

o   BAS 1049:2023, Halal food - Requirements and measures

o   BAS 1057:2023, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity - Guidelines for the implementation of BAS EN 206

o   BAS 1056:2023, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for industry and households - Requirements and test methods

o   BAS EN 1997-1/NA:2023, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules - National Annex

683 people representing 327 organizations and 23 individuals (natural persons) were involved in the standardization activities.

81 sessions of technical committees and working groups were held.

426 new terms with definitions were entered into the terminology dictionary of standardization. As of December 31, 2023, the terminological dictionary had 10,949 terms with definitions, in one of the official languages ​​in use in BiH and in English.

ISBIH continuously monitors the status and changes of harmonized standards accompanying regulations and directives of the New Approach. Overviews of adopted harmonized European standards by regulations and directives are publicly available on the ISBIH website.

1703 standards and standardization documents were sold. Of total amount, 72% of BAS standards and standardization documents were in electronic form. Online reading of BAS standards for a period of 7 days was more prevalent than online reading of BAS standards for a period of 30 days.

A total of 82 requests were submitted to the Ex-commission by manufacturers and users of Ex-devices and companies that plan to perform work in the field of explosion protection. 114 certificates and 42 expert opinions were issued. You can read more about other activities of the Ex-Commission in the Annual Report.

Via ISBIH Information and notification point we responded to 66 enquiries, made notification on 3 original standards and 1 original standardization document and issued 44 certificates of identity with BAS standards.

ISBIH, as a full member of ISO, fulfilled its obligations arising from full membership. The corresponding ISBIH technical committees have the status of active member (P-member) in the following technical bodies: ISO/CASCO, Committee on Conformity Assessment; ISO/TC 34/SC 12, Sensory analysis; ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance; ISO/TC 193/SC 1, Analysis of natural gas; and ISO/TC 334, Reference materials. In 2023, appointed members from the corresponding ISBIH technical committees voted on a total of 67 draft international standards in various stages of development and other working documents. There were a total of 42 formal votes.

ISBIH is obliged to inform the European Standards Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI about all adopted European standards and other standardization documents. As of December 31, 2023, ISBIH has adopted 93.01% of European standards (EN/HD) published by CEN and CENELEC, and 99% of European standards (EN) published by ETSI into the BiH standardization system.

The management and employees of ISBIH followed the presentations of representatives of international and European standardization organizations at their general assemblies via virtual meetings or by participating at the events.

Representatives of ISBIH also participated in numerous events, such as:

·         activities within the DIH its4Health project

·         16th  consultation of BH K CIGRE

·         ISO regional workshop for the development of the Gender Action Plan

·         regional meeting of quality infrastructure representatives

·         International Halal Quality Congress

·         36th  CIGRE - Serbia

·         International industrial fair

·         International trade fair

Two 50th  anniversary sessions were held, namely BAS/TC 11, Petroleum and petroleum products and BAS/TC 10, Electrical energy measurement Equipment and load control.

A webinar was also held for members of ISBIH's technical committees.

Cooperation agreements between the Institute for Standardization of BiH and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of East Sarajevo were signed, as well as Annex 1 of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of standardization between the Institute for Standardization of BiH and the Republic Institute for Standardization and Metrology of the Republic of Srpska.

The top management of ISBIH, Director Aleksandar Todorović and Deputy Director Borislav Kraljević paid a short working visit to the Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS) in early December 2023.

On the occasion of the Day of the Institute for Standardization of BiH, which is celebrated on December 28, 2023, the Director of the Institute, Aleksandar Todorović, organized a formal reception.

Four issues of the ISBIH Bulletin, as well as four issues of the ISBIHNewsletter, were published.

ISBIH was also active on social networks.

An external audit of the integrated management system was performed.

The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina received:

·         a certificate confirming that ISBIH's quality management system complies with ISO 9001:2015;

·         a certificate confirming that ISBIH's information security management system complies with ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

Certificates are confirmation of the fulfilment of set goals!

You can find the ISBIH Annual Report 2023 here.