BAS EN 13675+A1:2024 adopted by translation method
BAS EN 13675+A1:2024, Safety of machinery – Safety requirements for tube forming and rolling mills and their finishing line equipment (EN 13675+A1:2010)
BiH standard BAS EN 13675+A1:2024, third edition, is a translation of the European standard EN 13675:2010, Safety of machinery – Safety requirements for tube forming and rolling mills and their finishing line equipment.
The original text of the European standard EN 13675+A1:2010 was prepared by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 322, Equipment for making and shaping of metals – Safety requirements, whose secretariat is held by DIN.
This European standard describes the health and safety requirements of fully automated plant used in the process of tube forming, rolling, and finishing. It describes the foreseeable significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events arising from plants and from particular machines integrated to form the plant but does not describe the full health and safety requirements for each particular machine. It indicates preventive measures for avoiding hazards and reducing the risks. It deals not only with circumstances where the machinery is used as intended but also includes other conditions forseen by the manufacturer, such as forseeable faults, malfunctions, or misuse.
This European standard specifies the requirements to ensure the safety of persons which are to be met during the design, assembly, transport, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and decommissioning of the equipment.
The standard assumes that installations are operated and maintained by adequatly trained and competent personnel. Manual intervention for setting, adjustment, and maintenance is accepted as part of the normal use of these machines.
The third edition of BAS EN 13675+A1:2024 has been prepared in bilingual version, in Bosnian and English.
This BiH standard supersedes and replaces BAS EN 13675+A1:2011, Safety of machinery – Safety requirements for tube forming and rolling mills and their finishing line equipment.
This BiH standard was prepared by the Technical Committee BAS/TC 4, Steel, steel products, non-ferrous metals, and alloys.