The way forward for the Eurocodes implementation in the Balkans

Workshop “The way forward for the Eurocodes implementation in the Balkans” was held in Tirana from 10 to 11 October 2018.


The workshop is organized by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in cooperation with the General Directorate of Standardization of Albania.


The workshop was attended by delegations from Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Norway, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey, as well as representatives of the European Commission. The delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina were consisted of PhD. Sanin Džidić from the International BURCH University in Sarajevo, Igor Dizdar from the Federal Ministry of Physical Planning of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Bojana Zečević and Mario Prka from the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The aim of this workshop was to familiarize participants with the development of a new generation of Eurocodes, the status of Eurocodes in the Balkan countries, in the context of the adoption of Eurocodes in the official languages ​​of individual countries, and the development of national annexes.



On this occasion, PhD Sanin Džidić, president of one of the three Technical Committees (BAS/TC 58) of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina dealing with Eurocodes, held a presentation on the current status of Eurocodes in Bosnia and Herzegovina with emphasis on their application.