International workshop on „Community based integrated health and care services for aged societies“

As a result of increased life expectancy, “Aged Societies” have emerged in many countries. A country with a population where more than 14% is aged over 65 years is called an "Aged Society". Where more than 21% of a population is over 65, this is referred to as a "Super-aged society".


By the year 2050, many countries are projected to become super-aged societies.


Aged people have a strong desire to maintain maximum health, and continue to live in their communities, independently from institutionalized care. In order to adapt for aged societies, and to support a greater desire for people to live independently as well as to enable younger generation to maintain their health and active participation to the society when they get aged in the future, we need a significant change in the behaviors and thought processes of healthcare providers, the public, and their friends and families. This will relate to all aspects of a person’s life, including planning, decision making and day to day living.


The benefit and role of international standards are highly required in this context. The international standardization will make it possible to build an integrated social innovation system.


For the purpose of developing such system as well as developing an International Workshop Agreement on Community based integrated health and care services for aged societies a international iorkshop on community based integrated health and care services for aged societies will be held on 1 July 2015, in London.


Na ovaj način će se okupiti grupa eksperata koja će razmotriti osnovne principe koje je potrebno rješavati prilikom pružanja integrisane zdravstvene zaštite i brige o starima.


Draft program is available at:

Draft program


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