How to Meet EU Market Demands

Upon the invitation of the editor and moderator of this week's edition of “I choose the guests”, Mr. Bruno Bojić, President of the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, the guests at this show were: Mr. Aleksandar Cincar - Director of the Institute for Standardization, Mr. Ševal Suljkanović - CEO of Bimal, Mr. Vladan Nastić - General Director of AD “Alpro” Vlasenica, and Mr. Kemal Čolak - CEO of “PROMO” Donji Vakuf. The theme of the show was “How to meet EU market demands”, and the focus was on the adoption and implementation of European standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina.



The biggest challenge of BiH businessmen on their road to the European Union is to strengthen their competitiveness. In this regard, Bosnia and Herzegovina had some progress through the adoption of European standards and marketing of domestic products on the demanding EU market. However, the key problem on the road to the EU is harmonization of domestic laws with EU regulations and their implementation, as well as the implementation of economic reforms in BiH, which is delayed in comparison with neighboring countries.



What is the standard, what are the BAS standards, the way they are adopted, how can they be obtained, what are the benefits that producers and consumers can achieve by using standards as well as answers to many other questions related to this area are presented in the show.



Recording of the show “I choose the guests”: