ISO Regional seminar – Training of trainers for energy management systems according to ISO 50001

From 4 to 8 March 2013 in Vilnius, Lithuania an ISO Regional seminar – Training of trainers (ToT) for energy management systems according to ISO 50001 was held, organized by International Standards Organization (ISO) and Lithuanian Institute for Standardization and Metrology. On behalf of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Dusan Djurdjevac, and on behalf of Opticum Ltd., Mr. Djordje Djogo, participated at the seminar. Seminar was conceived in a way that first three days of the seminar were dedicated to general issues, approach and main articles of EMS standard and last two days to practical exercises and group presentation of six main requirements of EMS. A certificates of completition were awarded at the end of the seminar.